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Join Us For Our Annual JR Trunk Show
Real fashionista's stay ahead of the curve. Join us Wednesday, Oct. 16th for our Joseph Ribkoff trunk show. This is your opportunity to view the hottest & most desired styles that Joseph Ribkoff has to offer. Our amazing Joseph Ribkoff expert Patrick will be in attendance & we hope to see you there too. This show is an exciting opportunity to custom order your must-have designs, in your size & your colours. In-house specials will be happening as well.
Don't miss out on a fun night in-store with your favorite Fashionista Gals!
9907, 100 avenue #5,Grande Prairie (Alberta) T8V 0V1
APPELEZ-NOUS : 780:532:4550
Lundi-jeudi 10h00 - 17h30
Vendredi 10h00 - 18h00
Samedi 10h00-17h30
Dimanche - Fermé jours fériés - Les horaires peuvent différer